How We Support Our Students

At TOAN we pride ourselves on the excellent pastoral care we provide, ensuring each student is happy and settled in their environment, and that all students develop into confident, hard-working and ambitious young people.

Our strong support network includes heads of year, progress leaders, form tutors as well as a dedicated pastoral team. We cater to the individual needs of each and every student at the academy.

All students at the Oldham Academy North spend an hour per day with their form and form tutor. During this time, form tutors deliver the pastoral curriculum which is designed to support our students wellbeing and improve their academic outcomes. This is done through PSHE, numeracy and retrieval practices sessions throughout the week. Also, form tutors are aiding our students to improve their literacy skills by spending half an hour each day reading to their form. This has a significant impact in not improving reading ages, but also encouraging a love of reading in our students.

Alongside this it is also the role of a form tutor to support their students welfare. As form tutors see their form for an hour each day, they will be able to notice any patterns in behaviour, attendance and general wellbeing of the student. Our form tutors will then address these issues where necessary to ensure the students in their form are receiving as much support needed in order to help them succeed in the challenging and completive world.


Under normal circumstances, we offer a 2 day transition experience for every Year 6 student. We have a dedicate page for transition within this website. Parents and carers can contact us at our dedicated transition email address –

Please feel free to contact the academy to speak to speak to a member of staff or to arrange an additional visit for you and your child.

Year 7

Head of Year: Miss Pacheco ( My role is to make sure that not only are students achieving, but that every student is happy, safe and genuinely enjoys their journey here at TOAN. Year 7 is a crucial year for them, so we must ensure their time here at the academy is a pleasant one.

Year 8

Head of Year: Mr Rashid ( Our main aim is to make sure all students have a happy and smooth transition into Year 8. We work hard to support all our students in overcoming any barriers they may have to learning or school life.

Year 9

Head of Year: Miss Allen ( Assistant Head of Year: Our role entails providing advice, guidance and pastoral support to students in our year group. We also start to prepare our students for the transition into KS4 and guiding them through the options process.

Year 10

Head of Year: Mrs Davis ( Year 10 is a key year for our students at the academy with a focus on guiding and developing students academically and personally, to ensure they make excellent progress that will enable them to succeed in year 11.

Year 11

Head of Year: Mrs Yates ( Year 11 is a pivotal year in the academic and personal development of our students, culminating with their final exams and key decisions about their futures. We provide an unparalleled level of pastoral care during this time, ensuring all students are confident in their abilities and ready to succeed.

Director of KS3: Mr Massey   Director of KS4: Mr Machell

Medical Welfare Officer

Nicola Goulden is the Academy Medical Welfare Officer – a key role within school. The post holder is responsible for the first aid of students and staff and ensures the academy is fully equipped for both school based and out of school based activities. The post holder also has responsibility for organising first aid training and is the liaison between the school nursing team. The welfare office is a member of the safeguarding team.

Miss Goulden can be contacted by email ( or via the academy’s main telephone number, 0161 652 2428

The academy also has a number of staff who are first aid trained. These are:

SLT: Mrs Banham, Mr Brown and Mr Parkinson

Support staff: Miss Allen, Miss Aroof, Miss H Begum, Miss Bennett, Miss Buckley, Mr Clark, Miss Goulden,  Miss Hart, Miss Jamilah, Miss Jewitt, Mrs N Lancaster, Mrs Langfield, Mr Mallam, Miss Price, Mr Rashid, Mr Rothwell, Miss Semple, Miss Shazadi, Miss Tierney, Miss Williams and Mrs Yates.

Teaching staff: Mr Armstrong (PE), Miss Fitzhugh (Science), Miss Hayes (English,) Mr Machell (PE) and Mrs Murphy (English).

All PE staff have basic first aid training.

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