Able and Talented

The Oldham Academy North is dedicated to providing an engaging and innovative curriculum to all of our most able and talented students.

We aim to continuously develop the competences of our students regardless of where their individual strengths lie through first rate support and challenge. We have high expectations for each student and it is our objective to ensure these high expectations are met.


Able and talented students are identified within each subject area and are monitored by departmental staff and the able and talented coordinator. These students are recognised through CATs scores, accelerated progress reports and teacher and parent/guardian nominations where appropriate. Once identified all staff are made aware of these students so that their unique requirements can be targeted and supported in all areas of the academy.

Support and Challenge

Throughout the year each student regularly meets with the able and talented coordinator and departmental mentor to discuss their progress and individual requirements. Individual targets are continuously set and modified and where appropriate further support is provided to ensure high levels of attainment are maintained.


Within each year group there is a competitive group of highly able and talented students who all display exceptional skills in a wide range of academic and extra-curricular activities. These skills are both encouraged and nurtured through guidance and support to promote achievement and high aspiration during their time at academy.

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